Monday, October 19, 2009


Today was a bit of a phsyco day with our rooster which I will post the story of on my farmlass blog once I recover...lets just say he's headed for the soup pot...anyway I was feeling a bit shaken up and needed my walk desperatley to chill out so Griff and I headed down to the ponds, one of our usual afternoon strolls.

This is a typical picture of Griffin...swimming....which he will do every day of the year if we let him, but we start limiting his dips when the temperatures drops. Luckily today was mild and sunny when we were out...On the way back, cutting up through our path worn by years of travel, I had found this tiny start of a nest in the crotch of some scotch broom a week or so back..

It's only about 2" across but definitley from this I stuck it in my pocket for further investigation once I got home...anyway today while coming up the same path, I thought that maybe whoever started that nest decided to make a whole one close by....lo and behold there it the crotch of another scotch broom shrub about 6 feet away..

I figured either the bird started it but was scared off, or just decided that the other location had a better view and maybe not so noisy or nosey nieghbours...

look at all the tiny bits of fur..

there are lots of wild rabbits around so that explains that...

I love all the tiny bits of dried grass seeds and little dried up flower heads. Birds amaze me how they can make these intricately, engineered structures with nothing but a beak and two little feet..Once I thought I would try to make a nest for fun and didn't even come close. My attempt was flimsy at the up onto my little alter it goes with some other treasures of the moment.

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